Frostie Root Beer


This vintage bottle dates from the 1950s when the Frostie Bottling Company of Huntington operated.


HUNTINGTON — Long interested in soft drinks, George
Rackensperger in 1939 created a company to brew and
 bottle a new brand of soft drink, Frostie
Old Fashion Root Beer.

Rackensperger located his new venture in an unusual
location — an abandoned jailhouse in Catonsville,
Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore. He utilized the
garage that formerly housed the police wagon
 to set up his bottling equipment and used the
various jail cells to store sugar, bottles
and the other supplies needed.

The new root beer was an immediate hit and soon
 Rackensperger left the jailhouse behind to
 construct a new modern bottling plant.
 Over the next decade, numerous
 companies elsewhere requested
 and were given the authorization
 to sell his tasty creation.

Frostie Old Fashion Root Beer came to Huntington in 1949 when the
 Frostie Bottling Co. of Huntington was established at 1924 3rd
Ave. The 1951 Huntington City Directory listed W.R. Muddy
 as manager of the Huntington company. The 1952-54
Directory identified Muddy as president of the
company and L.F. Dobbs as secretary
-treasurer. It also indicated that the
company had moved to a new
address —1638 7th Ave.

The Frostie Bottling Co. of Huntington proved to be short-
lived. According to records in the West Virginia
 Secretary of State’s Office, the company
 went out of business in 1959. Later the
 local Seven-Up Bottling Co. added
Frostie to its lineup of beverages.

In 1979, the Frostie brand was sold to the Monarch
 Beverage Co. of Atlanta. In 2000, Monarch sold
the brand to Leading Edge Brands of Temple,
Texas. In 2009, Leading Edge sold it
to Intrastate Distributors of Detroit.

Today, Frostie has come a long way from the former
Maryland jailhouse where it was born. Intrastate
 Distributors continues to bottle and sell it, and
the tasty soft drink can be found in some
Cracker Barrel Country Stores
 and Walmart Supercenters.


Note:  This Article and picture appeared in the Herald-Dispatch Newspaper on May 11, 2021.


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