Dr. Carter G. Woodson
( 1875 - 1950 )



Dr. Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950) today universally acknowledged as the "Father of Black History" and the founder of Black Hustory Month, was 19 years old when he moved to Huntington in 1895. He enrolled at the All-Black Douglass High School and graduated a year later. In 1900, he became principal of the school. He would go on to earn both his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Chicago before becoming onlt the second African American to earn a Ph.D from Harvard University. He rose to international prominence as a noted educator and scholar and authored more than 12 books on Black history in America. In 1926, Woodson set out to publicly recognize the contributions of Black Americans to the U.S. and world history. He selected February as the time for an annual celebration. What Woodson began as "Negro History Week" is now celebrated as "Black History Month" Since his death, more than 30 schools, libraries and parks across America have been named in his honor.


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