Charleville Musket


Charleville muskets are a 69 caliber French infantry musket used by
soldiers in the American Revolution. Charleville muskets were
not used in battle like modern rifle. Instead, Charleville muskets
were fired in Mass formation. In modern warfare, bayonets
are considered to be last ditch weapons, but in the days of
the Charleville musket, they played much more
significant role on the battlefield, often accounting for
roughly a third of all battlefield casualties.

Muskets played a key role on the battlefield, being as a
ranged weapon at a distance, and also being used as a poke in
closed hand-to-hand combat. The rate of fire depended on the
skill of the soldier which was typically 3 shots per minute.
Charleville muskets were muzzle loaded and used a flintlock
firing mechanism. They typically fired a round ball, but could
fire other ammunition such as buck and ball or shot.


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