Dr. Cary Henry Hampton



In the early 1899's Revolutionary War Surgeon Cary Henry Hampton
shot and killed fellow Revolutionary War Colonel George Shortridge
near the Ohio River east of 16th Street on the high ground on
which Marshall University is now located.

Hampton's son, William, married Malinds Shortridge, the daughter
of Colonel Shortridge. In due time, some disagreements occurred
between the couple and she retured home to her parents.

Soon, local gossip spread the story that Colonel Ahortridge was going
to do harm to Dr. Hampton. Colonel Shortridge thought it best that
he have a talk with Dr. Hampton and straighten out the idle talk.

The colonel saddled his horse and took his rifle and road through
the wilderness to Hampton's home. When he reached the fence
that enclosed the house he dismounted and took his rifle and
started towards the house. Dr. Hampton saw him coming and
that his mission was hostile so he took his own rifle and shot
the colonel, killing him.

William and Malinda made up their differences and
lived out their lives together.

This tragic event is probably the cause of Dr. Hampton
disposing of his holdings near Marshall and moving to what
was then White's Creek, but now called Doc's Creek
after Dr. Hampton.


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