Brown -- First Doctor in Cabell County
The early doctors, like the circuit riders,
covered a large territory
and their monetary reward was small. Unfortunately, the names of
most of these faithful men are lost. The first doctor in Cabell County
was Benjamin Brown, who came in 1805 and lived at Brownsville
where he died in 1848.
Dr. Brown had an extensive practice which
extexted as far up
as the forks of the Sandy and on both side of the Ohio River.
In fact, the territory that he covered was larger than two or
three of the present counties.
The next doctors, in order of time,were
Henry Hampton, who came
from Fauquier County, Virginia, about th same time that Dr. Brown
came. He lived on the farm which included the land on which
Marshall University is now located.
Dr. Patrick Talbott is mentioned as early as
1833 and Dr. John
Seashols, who lived in Barboursville, was named jail
physician in 1836.
Dr. Henry Maupin was a graduate of a medical
school in
Philadelphia in the early 1840's and in 1846 was a surgeon
in the militia.
He served in the General Assembly and had an
shop in Barboursville during the Civil War.
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