Beard Mortuary


  1.    Carnahan,  Robert Louise
  2.    Cazad,  Sara Louise




Cabell County
Doors to the Past


These are the Obituaries for January.

Make your selection on the Left side.

1.    Carnahan,  Robert Louse

2.    Cazad,  Sara Louise Maxwell







One easy way to create new pages is to use "Save As" in FrontPage. All you need to do is:

1. Open the page you wish to copy.

2. Click File - Save As

3. In the "File Name" box, add your new name. Remember, it is best to use all lower case letters. There can be NO spaces between words in the new file name. Make sure you do not erase the .htm! You'll need it!

4. In the "Page Title" box, add your new title just as you want others to see it. You may use spaces and capital letters here.

5. Click - Save

Now, just add it to your navigation structure by opening the "includes" folder and add your links to the correct page.

Templates in Time