Barker Ridge
Cabell County, West Virginia

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Barker Ridge Quick List
- Adams, Alberta "Birdie"
- Adams, Eugene M.
- Adams, Thomas "Morris"
- Adkins, Erma Bartley
- Adkins, Ohlen Scott
- Arthur, Mary
- Arthur, Ollie V.
- Arthur, Robert O.
- Arthur, William T.
- Baby
- Baby
- Barbour, Bill C.
(Medal Marker)
- Barbour, Judy Ethel
- Barbour, William Virgil
(Medal Marker)
- Barker, Elizabeth
- Barker, Gideon
- Barker, Harriet V.
- Barker, Shelvie E.
- Bartley, Amanda
- Bartley, Etha
- Bartley, James
- Bartley, Oscar
- Bartley, Russell
- Bartley, Russell "Too Tall"
- Basenback, Lois Jane
(Medal Marker)
- Black, Janice Lee
- Blake, Gracie M.
- Blake, Haze E.
- Blake, Paul F.
- Blake, Pauline
- Blake, Raymond Dale
- Blevins, Goldie
- Blevins, Grant
- Bowman, Cora
(Medal Marker)
- Bowman, Gary W.
- Bowman, James
(Medal Marker)
- Braley, Elizabeth Sansbury
- Braley, John
- Bunyan, Arthur L.
- Byrd, Marie
- Byrd, Verner C.
- Capron, Alma C.
- Cazad, Carl Richard (Jr.)
(Medal Marker)
- Cazad, Ellen Belle (Hughes)
- Cazad, Miracle D.
(Medal Marker)
- Cazad, William Richard
- Chapman, John W.
- Chase, Charles
- Clark, Dennis Ray
- Clark, Eva Lorain
- Clark, Thomas J. (Jr.)
- Clay, Marsha Lynn
- Clemons, Maude Louise (Oasler)
- Conrad, Darrell L.
- Conrad, Darrell Lee (Jr.)
- Conrad, Timothy
- Cooper, Alma Helen
- Cooper, Hattie
- Cooper, Leroy Chester
- Cooper, Louise
- Cooper, Lucinda
- Cooper, Malinda
- Cooper, Sarah Opal
- Cooper, W. R. (Mrs.)
- Cooper, William
- Cooper, William Robert
- Covington, Mary E. Esta
- Covington. Robert W.
- Covington, Robert W. (Jr.)
- Covington, Ronald
- Cremeans, Kristie Ellen
- Cremeans, Walter Alvin
- Dailey, (Infant)
- Dailey, Avis Fern
- Dailey, C.
- Dailey, Chauncey M.
- Dailey, Clyde M.
- Dailey, David William
- Dailey, Denver Allen
- Dailey, Edward C.
- Dailey, Edward J.
(Medal Marker)
- Dailey, Effie
- Dailey, Filmore
- Dailey, Floyd Earl
- Dailey, Harry F.
- Dailey, J. C.
- Dailey, Jasper
- Dailey, John W.
- Dailey, Margaret
- Dailey, Nancy Jane
- Dailey, Pearl E.
- Dailey, Opel Faye
- Dailey, William D.
- Dailey, William N.
- Damron, Lydia
- Davis, Adrian Lee Bartley
- Davis, David A.
- Davis, Frank Edwards
- Davis, George M.
- Davis, Lewis I.
- Davis, Nellie May
- Davis, Pearl J.
- Davis, Samantha E.
- Easthom, Frances Louise
- Edmonds, Clayton B.
- Edmonds, Verna D.
- Edmunds, Anna V.
- Edmunds, Frank M.
- Estep, Allen
- Fetty, Mary G.
- Fetty, Norman A.
- Fisher, Polly P.
- Fisher, William James
- Floyd, Charles W.
- Floyd, J. Finley
- Floyd, Lewis Finley
- Floyd, Vera M.
- Grose, Dorothy Jane
- Grose, Harry R.
- Grose, Mary L.
- Grose, Raymond Ray
- Grose, Robert L.
- Grose, Ruby P.
- Grose, Tammy Denise
- Harris, Charles A.
- Holley, Dianah E.
- Holley, Emmett C.
- Holley, Maxine Louise "Midge"
- Holley, Ronnie L.
- Holley, Ruth Ellen
- Holley, Susan
- Holley, Willard D.
- Holley, Wilma M.
- Huff, Maggie Myrtle
- Jeffers, Garnett
- Jefferson, Elva
- Kingery, (Infant)
- Kingery, Bessie
- Kingery, Birt
- Kingery, Callie M.
- Kingery, Corbett
- Kingery, Donna M.
- Kingery, Duston
- Kingery, Everett
- Kingery, Gladys B.
- Kingery, Harold
(Medal Marker)
- Kingery, Henry C.
- Kingery, Janet
- Kingery, Jesse
- Kingery, John Duston
- Kingery, Leslie E.
- Kingery, Lines
- Kingery, Margaret
- Kingery, Mary Anna
- Kingery, Mary Frances
- Kingery, Ona Mae
- Kingery, Raymond E.
- Kingery, Sylvia
- Kingery, Velvia M.
- Kingery, Woodrow W.
- Lovejoy, Shawna Michelle
- McCallister, Carl
- McCallister, Janet
- McClellan, Charles (Jr.)
- McComas, Carl
(Medal Marker)
- McComas, Hobart Wilson
- McComas, Hobart Wilson (Jr.)
- McComas, John W.
- McComas, Pearl Edith
- Morgan, Sidney H. (Jr.)
- Nance, Albert
- Nance, Ellen
- Nance, George
- Neighborgall, John W.
- Neighborgall, Lucy E.
- Reed, Harold
- Rhodes, Lillian May Bartley
- Rose, (Infant Son)
- Rose, Charles C.
- Rose, Edward
- Rose, Elizabeth
- Rose, Esther Sansbury
- Rose, James
- Rose, Joseph R.
(Medal Marker)
- Rose, Lewis E.
- Rose, Linda Sue
- Rose, Mary E.
- Rose, Sarah E.
- Rose, William E.
- Rutherford, Victor M.
- Scarberry, Basil Lee
- Scarberry, Bernard James
- Scarberry, Bernard L.
- Scarberry, Bert
- Scarberry, Bertha
- Scarberry, Charles "Woodrow"
- Scarberry, Charlotte
- Scarberry, Dalvin E.
- Scarberry, Donald Gene
- Scarberry, Dorothy
- Scarberry, Edward G.
- Scarberry, Elmer C.
- Scarberry, Ernest
- Scarberry, Ethel
(Medal Marker)
- Scarberry, George N.
- Scarberry, I. Margie
- Scarberry, Ira
- Scarberry, Ivan P.
- Scarberry, James B.
- Scarberry, Leola
- Scarberry, Mary
- Scarberry, Melvin
- Scarberry, Nancy E.
- Scarberry, Nelson (Jr.)
- Scarberry, Orpha
- Scarberry, Paul E.
- Scarberry, Pauline
- Scarberry, Pluma
- Scarberry, Rickey D.
- Scarberry, Roy C.
- Scarberry, Susan
- Scarberry, Thurman L.
- Scarberry, Virgie May Wray
- Schleh, Larry
(Medal Marker)
- Setliff, Betty L.
- Setliff, James E.
- Smith, Audra G. Dailey
- Smith, Naomi C.
- Smith, Samaria Bartley
- Sutton, Tracey Lynn
- Taylor, Ronald Darrell
- Taylor, Sarah E.
- Taylor, Walter
- Tincher, Amos
- Tincher, Settia
- Venoy, Alta J.
- Venoy, Evert
- Venoy, Ezra I.
- Venoy, J. H.
- Venoy, Rosa
- Venoy, Rosa Louise
- Venoy, W. E. (Rev.)
- Warth, Henry Clay (III)
- White, Denver
- White, Myrtie Mae
- White, Sidney
- White, Stella
- White, Tammy S.
- White, Vernon
- Wolowinski, John W. (III)
- Wolowinski, John W. (Jr.)
- Wood, Carrie
- Wood, Frank
- Wood, James
- Wood, Mary
- Wood, Virginia
