"Members of Hebron Church"

1st row L-R: Catherine (Scites) Peyton, Elizabeth 'Lovie' (Morrison) Staten, and Mary J. (Gallaspie?) Kelley.
2nd row L-R: Nathan Staten, Mary (Griffith) Hensley, and John T. 'Pomp' Wentz.
Mary Kelley died first, in 1934.
The picture was probably taken 1930-32.

Credit for the picture to "David & Paul Adams - grandsons of Homer & Myrtle (Wents) Adams".
Sent in by George Swann


The man is believed to be Tom Hash.

(Photo courtesy of Natalie Adkins)


The picture of the church made of cinder blocks is the church that was built to replace the older one.

(Photo courtesy of Natalie Adkins)


(Photo courtesy of Natalie Adkins)