Jaskow Furs


Jaskow Furs did business in downtown Huntington for
 32 years before closing in 1975.

Courtesy of David Smith


Leon Jaskow moved his family to Huntington from New York City
 after he was hired as a furrier at the Princess Shop. Later he
 opened his own store, Leon’s Furs, on 3rd Avenue

Some years later, he became partners with his brother,
 Joseph Jaskow, who owned Jaskow Furs at
 317 9th St. Joseph Jaskow died in 1962.

In March of 1958, Jaskow Furs was in the news
 when thieves broke in overnight and made off
 with more than $50,000 worth of furs.

Leon Jaskow told police the culprits took 52 mink fur pieces. Their retail
 value ranged from $2,500 to $600 each, Jaskow said. Investigating,
 police found the thieves broke into the basement and then
 made their way to the showroom by climbing
 up an air conditioning vent.

Harvey Felber of New York City bought the fur shop after the death
 of Leon Jaskow in 1971. Felber said he had been selling
 furs to the store for more than a decade, a long-time
 relationship that prompted him to
 step in and purchase it.

In May of 1975, Felber announced that after 32 years of doing
 business in downtown Huntington, the shop was closing. He
 said the Huntington Urban Renewal Authority had
 informed him the building at 317 9th St. was
 slated for demolition as part of the city’s
 downtown urban renewal plan.


Note:  This Article and picture appeared in the Herald-Dispatch Newspaper on Feb. 18, 2025.


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