Doors to the Past

Cabell Creek Community

here it was moved to Howell's Mill, where it stayed for a short time and 
was given the name of Howell Post Office while there. Then it was moved to 
Tom Jackson's home, on what is now the Bert Poling farm, where it was kept 
for several years until the Ona rural route took its place in about 1905. 
The principal timbered lands lay to the south and north. Forty-three years 
ago Scheubel Bickel Crandel moved one saw mill and two stave mills on a 
location between Thompson Arthur's home and the Baptist church. Here he 
remained for several years doing a rushing business. Plenty of work but 
low wages. 
Confederate General Albert Gallatin Jenkins In Time of War
During the Civil War, General Jenkins came down Cabell Creek and stopped 
at James Arthur's home. His daughter Maria was clarifying maple syrup when 
two of Jenkins men went in and filled their canteens and went off without 
as much as thanking her. Shortly after two others went in and filled 
canteens but paid a dollar each of Kentucky and Confederate money. They 
then went to the smoke house and took three sides of meat but did not 
touch the hams or shoulders. They also took a barrel of sorghum and a 
saddle then went on to what is now the James Shaw place and prepared to 
camp for the night. Six pickets later came back and ordered supper to be 
prepared for them. That night Colonel Brown and General Jenkin's picket 
men fired on each other. 
Brown lay in his camp until morning until he knew that Jenkins was gone, 
then he came out to give chase. When he saw they had gone up Fudge Creek 
he came to Howell's Mill and rolled out a barrel or two of flour and got 
breakfast. This done he took the spindles out of the mill so the miller 
could not grind then went back to camp. In the meantime, Jenkins, had, 
when the pickets began firing, just been getting supper; their bread was 
lying on rocks and wound around sticks and placed before the fire to bake, 
when they had to run leaving their food just as it was. They also left one 
gun, which was found by Watt Angel. Cabell Creek Community has furnished 
soldiers to at least three of the wars; the Civil, Spanish American, and 
World's War. All fortunate in being permitted to return safely home. 

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Templates in Time