Julienne McNeer
(October 28, 1927 - February 9, 2019)

Julienne Shinn McNeer,
of Huntington, died Saturday, February 9, 2019. She was the daughter of Lorabee
Chanson Shinn and Thelma Josephine (Smith) Shinn born on the 28th day of
October 1927 in Indianapolis, Indiana. She was educated in the public
schools of Chicago Illinois and graduated from Huntington High School. While
attending Huntington High she participated in the drama and arts offered. In
1947 she met Selden S McNeer, Junior at Fort McClellan, Alabama. After his
return to the United States following a tour of duty in Nürnberg, Germany,
they were married September 3, 1947, in Trinity Episcopal church. She had
four children Selden,III, Gregory, Julienne Jo and Susannah Ashbaugh. She
was devoted to the arts and was instrumental in creating the docent program
at the Huntington Galleries which is now the Huntington Museum of Art. She
was also a student of the ancient cultures of Mesoamerica and particularly
in the Yucatán Peninsula, the Oaxaca area, the Valley of Mexico and Palenque,
together with other areas of pre-Columbian cultures. She enlisted the aid
Marshall University and in conjunction with the art department earned her
bachelor of arts degree in Mesoamerican and pre-Columbian cultures. She also
participated in the Huntington Community Arts organization and in stage
productions of that organization at their theater on 14th St., West both by
acting and performing the many chores required in the production of plays.
In addition to her work at the Huntington Museum of Art in creating the
docent program she was also on the collections committee which selects the
works of art to be kept in the museum. Funeral services will be held 11 a.m.
Saturday, February 16, 2019 at Trinity Episcopal Church, 520 11th St.,
Huntington, WV. Visitation from 10:30 to 11 a.m. prior to the service in
the church parlor.
