Robert Morton
(February 12, 1926 - December 14,

ROBERT MORTON LEVY passed away on December 14,
2021, at the Woodlands Retirement Community in Huntington. He was
preceded in death by his wife of 72 years, Joyce G. Levy, who passed
away just 7 weeks ago on October 27, 2021. He was also preceded in death
by his parents, Louis and Sarah ”Sally” Levy. Robert is survived by his
sister, Lois Fineman of Cary, North Carolina; his son, Peter (and Kelly)
Levy of Huntington, West Virginia; daughter Jane (and Bill) Campbell of
Portland, Oregon; son Joel (and Shaunna) Levy, also of Portland, Oregon.
Bob is also survived by 6 grandchildren, Seth Levy, Adam levy, Leah
levy, Lydia Levy, Anna Campbell, and Elizabeth Campbell, and 3
great-grandchildren, Linus, Sophie and Isabelle. Robert was born in
Huntington, West Virginia, on February 12, 1926. He graduated from
Huntington High School and received a joint B.A. Degree from Marshall
and Purdue Universities. At Marshall, he served as President of Tau
Epsilon Phi Fraternity, Vice-President of the lnterfraternity Council,
and was elected to membership in the Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership
Fraternity. Robert received his Doctor of Jjurisprudence Degree from the
West Virginia University College of Law, where he served as Vice
President of the School's student body and Vice-President of Phi Alpha
Delta Law Fraternity. Robert served in the United States Army (368t
lnfintry Division) from1943-1946. He served in both the Phillipines and
Okinawa and attained the rank of First Lieutenant at the age of 20.
Robert practiced law from the time he graduated law school up until the
age of 88. He was a founder of and partner in the law firm of Levy &
Patton, then Levy and Trautwein, then Levy, Trautwein and Pancake, and
finally, Lamp, O'Dell, Bartram, Levy & Trautwein. A general
practitioner, he specialized in the areas of estate planning and
administration, banking law, insurance defense work and business
organizations. He was general counsel for the Twentieth Street Bank and
First Sentry Bank which he helped organize, as well as for the
Huntington Sanitary Board (1954-1998), the Cabell County Public Library
(1973-2013) and Cabell Huntington Hospital. Robert served as president
of Huntington Art Museum, Marshall University Artist Series, Huntington
Pediatric Clinic, B'nai Brith Lodge, Friends of the S.E Library and
B'nai Sholom Congregation. He also served on the Board of Directors for
the Huntington Automobile Club (AAA), United Huntington industries,
YMCA, American Red Cross (Vice-Chairman), Community Players, Cabell
County Centennial Commission, Cabell Huntington Hospital Foundation,
Cabell County Library Friends Board, Huntington Area Development Council
(HADCO), Cammack Children’s' Center, Ebeneezer Medical Outreach, and the
Cabell-Huntington Coalition for the Homeless. Robert served as Committee
Chairman for the Community Welfare Council, Boy Scouts of America, the
Mental Health Association, and the West Virginia State Bar. Robert's
passions included photography (including developing) and traveling with
Joyce. Together, they made a total of 33 trips outside the continental
USA, including 25 trips to Europe and the Middle East, and 3 trips to
Asia. A celebration of both Bob's and Joyce's lives and memorial service
will be announced at a future date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be
sent to the B'nai Sholom Congregation or the Huntington Art Museum.
