Naime Toufic
(November 22, 1932 - February 12,

more affectionately known as Mama J, went to dance with the Angels in Heaven
on February 12, 2021, 9:56 p.m. at St. Mary’s Medical Center due to
prolonged sequelae of a massive heart attack. She survived a plethora of
complications that only the strongest could have weathered. Mom was born
November 22, 1932, in Kfeir, Lebanon, to the late Toufic Saad and Mountaha
Mackarios Saad. She spent her childhood working in the garden picking olives
and tending sheep. Her childhood dream of coming to America was fulfilled
when, at age 16, she came to New York City to be a nanny for her cousin’s
family who worked in the United Nations. Two years later, during a visit to
Toledo, Ohio, Sam Joseph, a WWII veteran from Kfeir, married her on November
25, 1951, moving her to Huntington where she lived the remainder of her
Mom quickly integrated into the Lebanese-American community and embraced
living in America with a great appreciation of the values upon which this
country was built. She proudly became a United States citizen May 1, 1959,
despite struggling to teach herself the English language. While Sam
instilled integrity and work ethic into his children, Mom infected us with
the qualities of empathy and unconditional love.
She became enmeshed in the activities of her family, including her siblings,
nieces and nephews, Marshall sports and her beloved Holy Spirit Orthodox
Church, where she taught Sunday School and was known as a super submarine
sandwich maker. She was “Mama Bones” to her son’s friends, and would be
known to leave an occasional surprise snack for that pioneer class of
Marshall Med School. Mom never knew a stranger and made friends wherever she
went, the grocery, the mall, the post office, spreading her goodness around,
often handing out angel pins. She embraced life with passion and never
turned down an opportunity to burn up the dance floor. While Mom adored her
children and grandchildren, she was “everybody’s mother,” and gifted with a
listening ear, she mentored many with her faith and love of Jesus Christ.
Her favorite sayings, “Naime-isms” (as her niece Rebecca called them),
included “Remember, God is in control,” “This is not my real home; my real
home is with Jesus,” “Let every breath praise the Lord,” and saying so many
times, even the granddogs could say it, “Lord have mercy!”
Rejoicing her arrival in Heaven, in addition to her parents, Toufic and
Mountaha, are husband, Sam, the baby she never got to hold, Michael Edward,
son-in-law, Chris Asmus, brother, Ayoub Saad, niece, Venice Saad, niece,
Sarah Saad, her second mother, Nazik Hanna, sister-in-law, Rosette Saad,
brother-in-law, Norman Mckarris, and granddogs, Cesar, Duke, Marco, Thunder
and Yogi.
Left to cherish her memory and carry on her example of faith are son, John
Joseph, his wife Krissy and their sons Nick and Mike of Georgia, daughter,
Diana Asmus and her son CJ Asmus of South Carolina, sister-in-law, Rose Saad
of Huntington and family, brother, George Saad and family of Beirut and
Canada, brother, Daniel Saad and family of Kfeir, sister, Eva Mckarris of
Canada with her beloved children and their families, Naheel, Sally, George
and Sam, brother, Edward Saad and family, niece, Donna Joseph of Columbus,
and very precious brother and sister-in-law, whom Mom loved dearly, Julian
and Jihad Saad (and her mother, Miriam) of Huntington and their children
Rebecca, Abraham and Christina and their respective beautiful families, her
“other son,” David Rahal, her “other brother,” George and wife Gloria Hanna,
her “other sister,” Rhoda Hodge and daughter Sharon, and last, but not at
all least, daughter, sandra and granddogs Arlo, MUs and Mario.
She also leaves a multitude of friends and godchildren, among them Carol and
Jim, Kathy, Lexa, Lila, Martha, Matt, Andrea, Nick, the Bolus family, Father
John and Loukia, and the many, many others whose lives she touched. Special
thanks to Dr. Elizabeth Saunders, who cared for her in the hospital. And
gratitude and appreciation, more than words can express, to the caring staff
at Wyngate Barboursville who meticulously cared for Mom and where her
outgoing personality outshone the dementia that robbed her of so much. As
one of the staff said, “Thank you for sharing your Mom with us.”
As much as Mom loved flowers, she loved even more her church, feeding the
poor and caring for animals. Suggested donations can be made in her memory
to Holy Spirit Orthodox Church, the Huntington City Mission, Cridlin Food
Pantry, Kfeirian Reunion Foundation, Cabell-Wayne Animal Shelter or ASAP
(Advocates Saving Adoptable Pets).
Due to this dreadful pandemic, visitation by drive-by will take place from
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at Holy Spirit Orthodox
Church, entering the parking lot at Woodhaven Drive and exiting at the
southbound end. Funeral service for the family at the church at 1 p.m.
Burial at 2:15 p.m. at Spring Hill Cemetery for friends and family observing
CDC guidelines of mandatory masking and social distancing. While we all want
to hug, and Mom loved giving hugs, we totally understand the need for
distancing during this pandemic, so condolences can also be made via Klingel-Carpenter
Mortuary, who is handling arrangements.
Pallbearers will be John Joseph, CJ Asmus, Mike Joseph, Nick Joseph, Abraham
Saad, Toufic Saad, David Rahal, Sidney Tweel and Mark Hosey. Honorary
Pallbearers will be Julian Saad, George Hanna and Richard Tweel.
We are blessed to have had Naime, Mama J, Mom, Amtoo (auntie), Sitty
(grandmother) as a mother, grandmother, sister and aunt who taught us about
faith and love, who let Jesus’ light shine through her and through those
sparkling eyes. Her wish would be that we would all keep the faith until we
meet again. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have
kept the faith. From now on there is laid upon for me the crown of
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that
day — and not only to me, but to all who crave His appearing” (2 Timothy
Mom, you are terribly missed, but I know you are HAPPILY DANCING with the
ANGELS around the THRONE. Love forever.❤
