John Gordon Fairburn
(May 22, 1928 - December 15, 2015)

John Gordon Fairburn, 87, of
Proctorville, OH, joined his late wife Sally Jo Estep in Heaven on Tuesday
December 15, 2015. John was born May 22, 1928 in Huntington, WV to the late
Clarence and Carrie Shafer Fairburn. In addition to his parents, John was
preceded in death by his brother William Edward, Margaret Danishek, Francis
Jones and Harriet Elizabeth Reid.
At the young age of 16, John took a summer job at the C&O Railroad (he was
the “foreman’s son”). During this time our country was immersed in WWII, and
John felt compelled to serve his country. On June 26, 1945, at the age of 17
with his parents’ permission John enlisted in the US Marine Corp for the
duration of the war at which time he was granted a leave of absence from the
railroad. In the Winter of 1944, John was stationed in Newport, RI awaiting
deployment for “Operation Downfall” the invasion of Japan during WWII. But
God had other plans for John, one year after Hiroshima, August 29, 1946 John
was honorably discharged and returned home to complete his education while
still on leave of absence from the C&O Railroad. During his senior year at
Huntington East High School, John met the love of his life, Miss Sally Jo
Estep. They were wed September 10, 1948 at which time John returned to the
railroad to begin his apprenticeship and start his family. From 1948-1954
John and Sally chose to be fruitful and multiply; blessing this earth with
John Michael, Deborah Jean and David Gordon.
As a child and young adult John was raised in the Church of Christ. In 1951
Sally visited Staunton Street Apostolic Church with her family during a
great revival. At which time she was seeking the Pentecostal “baptism of the
Holy Ghost”. John did not believe in this experience but while waiting for
Sally on the steps of the church, Rose Arthur came out and told him that
Sally was receiving the Holy Ghost. He walked into the church and all the
way up to the front where he saw her lying on the floor speaking in a
“beautiful language” that he had never heard before in his life. John was
convinced it must be of God.
The next night he attended the revival service, went to the altar, repented
and began to seek God for this Holy Ghost experience as well. This same
night, John and Sally joined the church members and Pastor Greene Kitchen
for a baptismal, at which time John felt moved to be baptized as well. After
being submerged in baptism John came out of the water speaking with other
tongues!!! John was truly a changed man with a HEARTS DESIRE to win souls
for Christ. John and Sally were active members at Staunton Street Apostolic
Church driving the church bus winning souls.
A young beautiful Godly family in the 50’s with a great career living the
American Dream! Unfortunately C&O had a massive layoff in 1954 at which time
John relocated his young family and went to work for Goodyear Atomic
Corporation in Piketon, OH. During this time he continued his education and
became Staff Supervisor doing Mechanical Engineering designing and
developing prototype machinery for the US Government’s highly classified
atomic energy program. During this peak in his career, Sally owned and
operated 2 grocery stores while raising 3 children. In 1963 a decision to
downsize the Goodyear operation at Piketon gave John the offer to relocate
as a mechanical engineer to their Albuquerque, NM facility which he
declined. Choosing to move back to Huntington, WV he was hired by INCO and
also the C&O railroad shortly thereafter. Working both 40 hour jobs each
week for one year, he then returned full time to the railroad and was
promoted to supervision. Prior to retiring from CSX in 1990, he had again
been promoted to departmental foreman, which included 7 foreman and 56 men
with maintenance responsibilities of the entire Raceland Car Shop.
Often times we lose our way while entangled in this web we call life….but
God knew what he was doing all along. In 1971 Sally rededicated her life to
Christ and was attending church while John worked aggressively and the
children played sports as young teenagers. Sally being the pleasant yet
concerned wife that she was, wanted her family by her side and most
importantly, wanted to see them saved. Sally invited several friends and
family members to her home for a prayer meeting….some of you may recognize
this as the “Sunrise Drive, basement experience”. During this prayer meeting
John rededicated his life to Christ at which time their youngest David
Gordon found Christ. One month after this experience John was led by the
spirit to rent the Raceland IGA for a revival with Brother Robert Theobald.
During this one week revival 7 souls were saved and the beginning of what is
now the Bible Apostolic Church was started. Bro Theobald needed to return to
his home but John had a congregation and no church. What a predicament to
have!! John received permission from the Raceland School board to convert
the schoolhouse on Caroline Road to the Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic
Faith. From 1971-1972 24 souls were saved with 17 living in Huntington, WV.
It was only logical to move this congregation to Huntington and with the
assistance of Bro. Theobald this would be possible. In 1971 the church was
relocated to a rented building at 6th St and 6th Ave. Bro. Theobald pastored
for 1 year
with John assisting and continually winning souls for Christ. In 1973 the
church was informed their rented building would be sold, and they must yet
move again. Temporarily the church was relocated to a 2 room schoolhouse on
8th St Rd, rent free by Robert and Barbara Calhoun. With attendance peaking
at 105 the little school house was now too small. God had a greater plan in
mind. In 1974 property at 3521 16th St Rd was purchased and new construction
began. In 1975 the church was dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ and the
congregation made the move to their final destination. The church continued
to flourish and grow allowing for additions and expansions over the years.
The official name of the church was changed to Bible Apostolic Church in
1976. The sanctuary you sit in today was completed and dedicated in 1982.
John G Fairburn was a man who sought to do well before the Lord at all times
and in all things. He studied the bible and prayed daily. He had felt
compelled to fast often and once fasting for 40 days with water only. Upon
completing the 40 day fast the mighty power of God was upon him and everyone
he laid hands on were touched or healed. There were blind eyes opened and
some who were using canes threw them away. It was a powerful time in his
life which influenced his ministry. John used the gifts of the spirit often
in his life to exhort and correct but always in love and with respect. His
greatest joy came from the Lord and in seeing others come to faith in Jesus
and to grow in the unity of the faith.
A man is judged, not by what he says or appears to do, but by the fruit he
produces. John's spectacular life is laden with fruit witnessed by the
thousands of lives he touched, being compelled by compassion to help using
his money, sweat, prayer, or self-sacrifice by way of fasting. John had 4
great loves in the world, they were Work, The Church, His Family, but most
of all was his love for the Lord. He was proud of Jesus! He was not just
unashamed but brazen and bold for the Lord. Everyone who talked to him for
more than 5 min knew he was a Christian not because he told them he was but
because he invited them to come and meet the Lord.
