

Cabell WWI History

Memorial Arch

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Doors to the Past

Memorial Arch

The Memorial Arch was built in 1924 to honor the brave soldiers from Cabell County, WV who were killed in action in the 1st. World War.

Also in November of 2000 a Time Capsule was buried only to be open on November 11, 2050 (Veterans Day).

Along with the arch there were trees planted along Memorial Boulevard extending from Fifth Street West to Thirteenth Street West.

They were planted along the North and South side of the Boulevard.  Each tree stands for one of the soldiers that was killed in action.

Trees bearing odd numbers are planted on the South side and trees bearing the even numbers are planted on the North side of the Boulevard.

The name following the number is the name of the solider to whom the tree is dedicated.

1 DAVIS,  Henry Winter   D.S.C. 47 LANDIS,  Isaac
2 DIAL,  Walter Verlin  D.S.C. 48 LENZ,  Albert  G.
3 ADKINS,  Tolbert 49 LITTLE,  Robert  C.
4 AGNEW,  Albert 50 McCLOUD,  Merrill
5 ARTHUR,  Herbert  W. 51 McKENNY,  Fred
6 BAILEY,  Robert 52 MAHAN.,  Lyle  F.
7 BECKETT,  Raymond  R. 53 MANKIN,  Claude  V.
8 BELLOMY,  Henry  E. 54 MEADOWS,  Esom  L.
9 BASWELL,  Granville 55 MEADOWS,  Kenneth  M.
10 BURNETT,  Frank  E. 56 MEFFORD,  Oscar  E.
11 CALLICOAT,  John  D. 57 MOSSISON,  Jack  A.
12 CARR,  Lorrid  A. 58 MORRISON,  Letson  B.
13 CARTER,  Marran 59 NEAL,  Raymond  E.
14 CHESTER,  Clark 60 NEWMAN,  Clayton  M.
15 CHURCH,  George  L. 61 NIXON,  Farris  P.
16 CLARK,  Robert  E. 62 NOBLE,  David  S.
17 CONDON,  Laurence 63 NOTTER,  Halsey
18 COPLEY,  Henry  C. 64 OSBORNE,  Harry  B.
19 CORN,  William  B. 65 PAYTON,  Mark  M.
20 COX,  Albert Chase 66 PINE,  Justice
21 CRABTREE,  Henry 67 PORTER,  Ezra
22 CRADIC,  Jesse  E. 68 PUMMELL,  Alvie  F.
23 CRAWFORD,  Clifford  L. 69 REYNOLDS,  Alva  C.
24 DAVIS,  Thedford 70 RIGNEY,  John
25 DILLARD,  Russell  C. 71 ROMANO,  Lawrence  F.
26 DUNCAN,  Frederick  A. 72 ROSE,  Wedsell
27 DYE,  Curtis Alexander 73 ROYSE,  Robert  L.
28 EFFINGHAM,  Andrew  E. 74 SCARBERRY,  William
29 ELLIOTT,  Pearl 75 SHAFFER,  William  A.
31 FISHER,  Delbert 77 SHANK,  Earl  W.
32 FOSTER,  John 78 SIMPSON,  Dolpnus
33 FULLERTON,  Ernest  C. 79 SIMPSON,  Henry  T.
34 GRAY,  Ernest  A. 80 SLAYTER,  Layton  F.
35 HALL,  Vichers 81 SMITH,  Orbie
36 HANDLEY,  Clyde  C. 82 STATON,  Roy
37 HARLESS,  Roy Clarence 83 STEWART,  Carlie  A.
38 HATCHETT,  Russell 84 STONE,  Moss French
39 HOLLEY,  Chester  A. 85 SUMMERS,  Bronson  Ewing
40 JACKSON,  Ottus  D. 86 TREVILLAN,  Harold  A.
41 JENKINS,  Azell  M. 87 WATTS,  Herbert
42 JONES,  Charley 88 WATTS,  Ora  H.
43 KALE,  John  H. 89 WEATHERS,  Harold  V.
44 KEYSER.  Lee 90 WHITE,  James  B.
45 KEYSER,  Walter 91 WITZCALL,  Herbert  J.
46 LAMBERT,  Ralph  T.    

This Web Site wishes to thank Ernest Midkiff for furnishing the names and information for this Web Page.   Also see the history about Cabell County connect to the war.

Templates in Time