Doors to the Past

Greenbottom Baptist Church

A Brief History of Greenbottom Baptist Church
Submitted by Keith Kearns

The Church celebrated 100 years August 2001. On June 5th, 1901 the deed to the church was presented to Ernest Holley, C.E. Knuckles and Charles Yoho, and their successors.

Baptisms were held in a creek on Aldredges Farm, Clutt's Farm on the Ohio River, also a basement with no top at the State Forest Nursery was used for 2 or 3 baptisms.

In 1946 the Cemetery fund was established by the church for the Greenbottom Cemetery. The trustees were Clyde Nance, R.E. Clutts, and Mrs. J.E. Frasier. The fund was created from bank stocks owned by Charles Nuckles. The Junior class, ages 8 to 12 was started in 1951.

The concrete walk, and steps into the church were completed on June 2, 1954. The piano was purchased in October 1954.

A junior class was started for children ages 8-12 in 1951 and also on 3/7/1951 Reverend Freddie Spurlock started missions.

The Sunday School classrooms were built and added to the church 10/15/1952.

On August 2, 1953 the church sponsored Arlene Spurlock as a missionary and continued to do so until she retired in the 1990's to Bradenton, Florida.

The piano was bought in October 1954. The cement walk and steps were added June 2, 1954. December 8, that same year, the electric light outside and ceiling lights over the pulpit inside were added.

March 1961 Judy Chinn was the pianist for the church.

In September 1967 Mary Ann Henry was the pianist.

Began building fund on 11 /2/1969 and was collected the first Sunday each month. The class buzzer was also installed on this date.

Bought chairs for the pulpit on 5/6/1970.

8/5/1970 glass was purchased for the top of the Communion table.

Voted to have preaching services after Sunday School 12/2/1970.

Bought lot from Mrs. Bud Young for parking lot on 11/1971.

The bell tower was remodeled on 7/7/1971.

The church withdrew from the Southern Baptist Convention and the Greater Huntington Association on 9/4/1971.

Storm windows and screens were bought in 7/4/1973.

Ceiling lights and storm doors were installed, and fixed the ceiling the first week of January 1974.

Divided the young adult classrooms 9/14/1977 into 2 classrooms.

Water was installed in the church in 1978 and with this restrooms were built and a drinking fountain.

5/2/1979 the church voted to make Rolof Enterprises a mission that would be sponsored by the church.

January 2, 1980 the church approved the purchase of seat coverings.

October 3, 1979 waders were purchased for the pastor. Also on this date Jennifer Clagg was voted in charge of the music and the piano.

On January 2, 1980 it was approved to buy Baptistry for the church.

October 1980 the Womens Missionary Society purchased the picture for over the Baptistry.

The 15 passenger van was bought in 6/8/1983 and was used until 1994.

11/6/1983, it was approved to have Communion Services to be held on the first Sunday of each month.

Utility room was added to the church in 1984.

The picnic shelter was built in 1986.

More Greenbottom Baptist History

In 1989, the roof was put over the porch, water was installed in the picnic shelter, the ceiling was enclosed and lights added, along with other general maintenance completed by the church members.

Around 1990, a group of ladies calling themselves The Quilting Ladies Society, got together and started their own fund to buy extra things for the church. Their fund was to be kept completely separate from the church.

A sink was installed in the kitchen in 1991. Also at this time a copy machine was purchased and the church started weekly bulletins and a yearly membership directory. The pews were recovered from funds made available by the Quilting Ladies.

The new Baptistry drapes were purchased by the Quilting Ladies in 1992 along with new carpeting in the fellowship hall. Paneling was put up in 1992 which covered the old windows. New heating and air conditioning was installed on 6/3/1992.

In 1993 new insulation was put in. The Quilting Ladies bought a new stove and refrigerator for the kitchen this same year.

The Handicapped ramp was built in 1994.

In 1995 fire safety doors were installed on the front of the church along with fire exit signs.

11/11/1997 the church voted to bid on property known as the “Old

Greenbottom School”. On June 23, 1998 the church voted to buy said property.

Funding from the Cemetery Fund was used to purchase this property on 12/9/1998.

In June 1999, the church bought a 1992 Chevy van for the church bus ministry.

In the year 2000, there was complete renovation of the school property that was purchased in 1998. Walls were taken out to make a sanctuary, walls and doors were put up to make classrooms along with a Pastor's study and an office for the copy machine and supplies. Kitchen tile was torn up, new tile put down, new cabinets provided by the Quilting Ladies. Some of the cabinets from the old church were moved along with the refrigerator and stove. On September 24th the congregation walked from the old church to the new church carrying the American and the Christian flag along with the Bible from the communion table singing hymns praising God for the opportunity to have the new church. Dedication services were held in the new sanctuary on that same day. In October this same year the Gideon Society of Cabell and Lincoln counties was added as a new missionary to support. Money was borrowed to have the parking lot paved.

February 2001 the church voted to support Rolando Pacong as a missionary.

Submitted by Keith Kearns.

[ Cemetery ]

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