Lois Marie
(February 21, 1947 - January 23, 2021)

Lois Marie Wells
73, passed away on
January 23, 2021 in Annapolis, Maryland. Lois was born on February 21, 1947
and was a proud native of Cinderella in Mingo County, West Virginia. In her
own words, she lived a good life and was not afraid of death. In reliance
on her strong faith she was excited to be welcomed into Heaven by her
father, Paul Dotson Sr., her mother, Geraldine Cox, her beloved youngest son
Tim, and a whole host of siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and
nephews, in-laws, and dear friends. She truly longed to see them all again.
Lois is survived by
numerous siblings and close relations. She cherished and loved them all
deeply, especially her closest relationships with her sisters Debraha Watson
and Alicia Dotson, her brother Paul Dotson, Jr. and his wife China, and her
nephew Jerome Wells. She was a steadfast and trusted friend to many. While
those she thought fondly of and held warmly in her heart are too numerous to
mention in this space by name, but no accounting of her life could omit her
Liberty High School teachers and 1965 Classmates; her Cabell-Huntington
Hospital co-workers; her friends from the Annapolis Senior Center; her bonus
child and dear friend Barbara Wells, and all of Tim’s friends who graciously
served as loyal and loving surrogates until her last days, especially
Scottie Hornbuckle and Susan Breece. Her faith in God was real and
throughout her life she was a member of Shiloh Baptist Church in Williamson,
WV where she taught many children Sunday School; First Baptist Church in
Huntington, WV; and had a special relationship with Heritage Baptist Church,
especially Reverend Green, in Annapolis, MD.
Above all, anyone who
knew her clearly understood that without question her highest calling and
purpose in life was her role as a Mother. Lois Wells served in that role
with excellence and distinction for over 53 years without a moments
interruption. Her unyielding and everlasting commitment, sacrifice,
strength, and love will live on and remain on display in her surviving sons,
Donald (Michelle) of Columbus, OH and Robert (Robbie) of Annapolis, MD, and
her four grandchildren, whom she loved and enjoyed beyond imagination:
Jalen, Paige, Sophia, and Alex.
Lois Wells was a hard
worker her entire life. She held jobs to support herself and then her
family from the time she was 13 years old. She was willing and proud to do
any honest work to provide whatever was necessary and at various times she
was a housekeeper, a preschool teacher, a county extension officer assisting
families in need, and a store clerk. Ultimately she found her life’s
professional work as a dietary aid at Cabell Huntington Hospital where she
retired after over 30 years of loyal service. She was a frugal and serious
woman by nature and had an unusually strong sense of responsibility and
accountability. She did not tolerate waste, laziness, or false flattery of
any kind.
But she was not all work
and certainly enjoyed many of life’s pleasures. She was a proud alumnae of
Liberty High School, one of West Virginia’s last all-Black schools. She
attended every Liberty reunion without fail, and most recently was honored
to serve as President of the Reunion Committee. While living in Huntington
she regularly hosted holiday parties for her co-workers and friends and
continued that tradition when she re-settled in Maryland. She enjoyed
cooking and especially making homemade chocolates and hard candy at
Christmas which she always generously shared. Between her sons and
grandchildren she tolerated being a spectator at hundreds of athletic events
and most enjoyed faithfully attending all other school functions, including
PTA meetings, plays, recitals, Grandfriends’ Days, and graduations. She
really loved to travel taking trips with family and friends all over the
world, including cruises with her dearest friends from the Liberty High
School Class of ’65 which she especially enjoyed.
Those who know her will
not be at all surprised that in her writings she left behind a message of
gratitude and instructions for us all at the time of her death: “If you have
touched my life or my children’s lives I thank you. Please don’t cry or
worry because I have a host of people to be with now. Think of me and try to
find a reason to laugh.”
Visitors are invited to
join the family on Sunday, January 31 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. for a visitation
period at Ferrell-Chambers Funeral Home, 924 20th Street, Huntington, WV and
Monday, February 1 at 11:30 a.m. at First Baptist Church, Huntington, WV,
for the celebration of Lois’ life with Pastor John Porter officiating.
Burial will take place immediately following at Springhill Cemetery,
Huntington, WV. While the family appreciates the overwhelming outpouring of
sympathy and support it has received, they also understand that there are
those who are not comfortable attending public services at this time due to
the ongoing public health emergency and we know that they will celebrate
Lois’ rich life in their own way. For those who do plan to attend, please
wear face coverings and practice safe social distancing measures during the
visitation and funeral.
