Louis Chris Scoulas
(December 10, 1929 - September 12,
Father Louis Chris Scoulas died
Saturday, September 12, 2015 in Huntington, WV. He was born in Miami,
Florida on December 10th 1929. He graduated from Austin High School in
Chicago and subsequently attended the College of the University of Chicago
which is known as the School of Aristotle, where he was awarded a Bachelor’s
Degree in Philosophy. He also received a Masters in General Professional
Education from Seton Hall University in New Jersey. He graduated from Holy
Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary in 1974. Father Louis was sent to the Ecumenical Institute of the
World Council of Churches in Bosse, Switzerland by Archbishop Iakovos.
Father Louis considered this one of the high points of his life ministry. He
was part of the Orthodox representation that had a strong influence over the
non-Orthodox theologians from around the world. It was at this period that
he felt that the Holy Spirit was very powerful in his life. After graduating
from the Ecumenical Institute, he studied at the Academy of Crete for a
semester. He took off one month to be a guest of the Jerusalem Patriarchate
which included the Holy Week. On Holy Saturday he experienced the Holy Fire
in the Church of the Resurrection. Father Louis also was a guest of the
Sinai Patriarchate at the St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai. Returning to Athens, he stayed at several monasteries in
Greece and visited Mount Athos three times. Then he visited Rome for a month
and participated in the Sistine Chapel during the 25th Anniversary of the
reconciliation of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. The Father Louis continued to London and became a guest of
an Orthodox Monk, Br. Joseph, who had a serious case of muscular dystrophy
and confined to a wheel chair. Nevertheless, he attended Church regularly
and faithfully. Br. Joseph introduced Father Louis to many notable churchmen
such as Kallistos (Timothy) Ware of Oxford, Sir John Lawrence, a noted
Angelican, and Archbishop Bloom of the Moscow Patriarchate. Returning to America, he worked at St. Basil’s Academy in
Garrison, N.Y., where he was a student supervisor and office secretary. Then
he did youth work at Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Florence, S.C.
During that time he met and married Lucy Christy of Cheraw, S. C. Then he
was ordained and started in his first parish of St. Nicholas in Spartanburg,
S.C. – Then Holy Trinity – Constantine and Helen in Huntsville, Alabama;
Constantine and Helen in Fayetteville, N.C.; Annunciation in Little Rock,
AR.; Holy Trinity in Bluff City, TN; St. John the Baptist in Charleston, WV. Father Louis was a contract chaplain for the 82nd Airborne
while in Fayetteville, N.C. His Little Rock position resulted in many
converts who later started a Mission which is a full fledged community
today. Surviving Father Louis is his Presvytera Lucille, son,
George and daughter, Angela, a sister, Irene Forakis, in Modesto, CA, and
his brother, Emmanuel, in Chicago. His deceased older brother, Father George
Scoulas, was also a graduate of Holy Cross and a noted priest. Funeral Service will be held at 9:00 A.M., Tuesday,
September 15, 2015 at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Huntington, WV.
