Doors to the Past

the mouth of Little Cabell Creek. 
Among others to settle in the neighborhood at an early date were Thomas 
Maupin, Adam Black, Russell Leroy, and James Newman, Sampson and John 
Handley, Landon Carter, Asher Crockett, Larose Merritt, William Miller, 
John Holroyd, Sr., Benjamin Davis, John Thomas, and Henry Dundas, Andrew 
Sheff, James Turley, William Greenwood, James Carroll, Robert Poar, James 
Cyrus, William Blackwood, Jacob Baumgardner, and Jacob Harshbarger, Sr. 
Of the early settlers, John Morris, James Turley, John Everett, Charles 
Love, Asher Crockett, Allen Rece, Joseph Hilliard, and Larose Merritt were 
soldiers in the Revolutionary War. Among the war records, and especially 
in the Pension Department at Washington, there is much of interest to the 
older residents of this section. Copying from these records a few sketches 
are herein given. 
"John Everett, born February 28, l753, died February 17, 1845; enlisted 
September 28, 1775 to September 28, 1776 as private under Captain Wm. 
Campbell, Colonel Patrick Henry, first Virginia regiment; enlisted May 15, 
1779 for two years service; guarded prisoners at Albemarle Barracks and 
was discharged at Winchester under Captain John Allen, Colonel Francis 
Taylor; first enlisted from Bedford County, Virginia." 
"James Turley, born in Pennsylvania, 1754; enlisted from Bedford County, 
Virginia, length of service two years, rank private, Captain John Chapman, 
Colonel Joseph Crockett, Virginia State Line". 
"Allen Rece, born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, October 7, 1759; enlisted 
early in the war for three months service as a wagoner under Captain 
Groves, Colonel Proctor, State of Pennsylvania; enlisted in 1777 for one 
month service as private under Captain Singer, Colonel lrwin, State of 
Pennsylvania; enlisted in 1779 for seven months as a wagoner under Captain 
Ferguson, Colonel Hooper, State of Pennsylvania; enlisted in 1780 for 
three weeks as private under Captain Thomas, Colonel Robinson, State of 
Pennsylvania; enlisted in 1781 or 1782 for one month as private under 
Captain Thomas, Colonel Robinson, State of Pennsylvania". He died November 
29, 1837. 
"Larose Merritt, born October 19, 1749; died July 30, 1831; enlisted at 
Winchester, Virginia, in 1777, served till 1780 under Captains John 
McGuire and Thomas Bell, Colonel William Grayson; served at Brandywine, 
Germantown, and Monmouth; received a wound in the foot during service, 
which rendered him a permanent cripple". 

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Templates in Time