Lighthouse Baptist Church
Linda's Rock is a reminder of a life well-lived
Whitney Johnson
Contributing Writer
MILTON- Although the Lighthouse Baptist Church has only been in existence
for four years, a piece of the church had an important meaning before the
church's first service took place.
Before the church was created, a group of people held a service at Lou
Spears' home on Cyrus Creek Road. One of the goals of this service was to
decide upon a name for the future church. Lighthouse Baptist was the final
name agreed upon.
Months before the church members obtained the current location for services,
some services were held in an old auto parts store. Members hoped and prayed
that they would soon have a permanent location for the church to call home.
Their prayers were answered and they were soon given a location to build
their future church.
The first service was held in their new building on June 1, 2003, after
construction began on August 10th, the previous year.
The creation of the church is a significant part of what will always be the
church's history. However, it is not the only important event in the
church's creation.
Seven days after construction first began on the church lot, a large rock
slid down the hill and busted in two. A member of the church, Linda Hoover,
was outside working with other members of the church preparing the lawn when
the rock slid.
When Hoover saw the pieces, she mentioned that the rock would look good in
front of the church, as the church's new sign due to the shape. The rock was
deemed "Linda's Rock" from that day on.
Eight days after the incident with the rock, on August 25, 2002, Hoover and
her husband were in a horrible accident on their way to church, which took
her life instantly. Due to this accident, Linda was never able to see her
rock positioned out front as the sign for the Lighthouse Baptist Church.
Almost five years after the accident, "Linda's Rock" still continues to be
the main sign for the church. The rock is considered a memorial to Linda and
many people that knew her, have donated to this monument.
Lighthouse Baptist Church is located at 1299 US Route 60 East in Milton.
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