Diddle Family
(Photos courtesy of Ed Prichard)
Description: Allan Diddle and wife Augusta
Fetty with son Merlyn Diddle
Easter Morning 1943. Guyandotte Elementary school in the background. This
the school where Augusta's brother Elmer Fetty was a custodian after losing
his leg in a Mill accident at American Car and Foundry.
Date Taken: Easter 1943
Place Taken: Guyandotte Cabell Co WV

Augusta Fetty, daughter of Augustus Fetty was
born 18 Mar 1868 and died 10
Mar 1951. She married Allen Lee Diddle (7 September 1866-11 June 1946) on
the 22nd of Nov. 1890 in Cabell County and had the following children:
Description: L to R
J Kenneth
Newlan Spears 11/12/1899-2/20/1993
Merlyn A.
Raymond Lee 2/27/1893-3/5/1968
Carl Fetty Diddle
Date taken abt. 1902
The last child (not in picture), Helen Augusta Diddle b. 12 November 1908
remains alive and lives in Guyandotte on a lot beside where the family
homestead once stood.
