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Adams Family
John E. Bias Family
Andrew & Susan Ball
Isaac & Susan Ball
Otta & Elizabeth Ball
Charles Henry Barbour
Ernest Virgil Barbour
Odie Barbour
Blankenship Family
Browning Family
Arvil & Hattie Collins
Diddle Family
Dillon Family
Arnold & Venilah Felix
John Hash Family
Henry B. Goodwin
Joseph & Elizabeth Hash
William F. Hash
Callaway Green Heath
David M. Heath
Ebenezer W. Heath
Elisha Blackburn Heath Family
James Heath
John Kenndy Hitner Family
Hoskinson Family
Benjamin F. Kelley
John Markin Family
Newman Family
George & Nancy Nicholas
Virgil & Emily Nicholas
Paugh Family
Reece Family
Joshua E. Sawyers
Spurlock Family
Benjamin Franklin Swann
Daniel & Emily Swann
Mary Inez "Mayme" Swann
Woodrow & Opal Swann
Wentz Family
Joanna Wentz
John Wentz
Albert & Lucy Wheeler
Wheeler Family
Frank McCallister




Doors to the Past

Cabell County

Newman Family Home on Fudge Creek in eastern Cabell County around 1914

The Newman Family c. 1914 (L to R): Blanche V. born 1893, Anna Lee born 1898, (Father) Charles Allen Newman born 1870 was the son of Sylvanus Taylor and Victoria Smith Newman, Elba Allen born 1908, George W. born 1911, (Mother) Letha Ann Jacks Newman born 1873, Roley Walter born 1904 and Carroll born 1903. Absent was Evan Newman born 1896.Note the picket fence in the back yard and the chicken peering around the cabin at the right.

 (photo courtesy of Barbara Wallace)













Templates in Time